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When Dreams Come True

We all have dreams of visiting some far away, exotic and exciting destination. Most people only dream, but it is awesome when we reach out, do the planning, the saving and get out of the comfort zone and GO!

Garrett Nalls is one of those guys. He has been planning and saving for several years and has been so excited for his trip to South Africa to Hunt with HuntSA and to serve the kids at Jehovah Jireh Haven.

He is in the midst of his adventure right now! Garrett had an image in his mind of Africa, now he get's to see the reality of his dreams.

I love it when both younger and older people determine to make a trip like this happen. It takes the excuse of age and finances away! And, when you have our professional team to help you with planning, every step of the way is that much easier.

Of course, once you land in South Africa, Rufus and his team take over, meeting you at the airport, providing amazing lodging, meals and that adventure that will live on in your memory for a life time. Rufus always finds the best trophies to hunt, but this is more that harvesting a trophy, it is about an adventure with a purpose.

Garrett has been able to take much needed resources to the children from America, along with meat from his harvest to bless the work at Jehovah Jireh Haven.

Won't you let us help put you in the picture? We would love to serve you!

Contact us today and help you make your dreams come true!!

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